
Telebrands is always on the lookout for exciting new consumer products that solve everyday problems.  To cope with the number of submissions we receive, we have designed a new, easy online submission process for you.  Once complete, you can expect an official email acknowledging that we received your submission and rest assured, your submission will be reviewed by the Telebrands team.  You can expect a timely decision (usually within 2 weeks) via email.  Before submitting your invention for consideration, please make sure Telebrands is right for you.

What We Do Best

  • Launch new consumer products on that are a demonstrable solution to a clear problem and have good potential for sale in retail stores.
  • Offer fair compensation to inventors on successful new products

What We Can’t Do

  • Develop “ideas” into products or sell product development services to inventors.
  • Make investments; give upfront cash advances or offer “buy-outs”.
  • Offer advice on how to improve, manufacture or sell your product.
  • Patent an unprotected idea.  Intellectual property protection is up to you.
  • Sign non-disclosure or other agreements other than the Terms and Conditions of Voluntary Disclosure – CLICK to view
  • Return samples, prototypes or materials sent to our office.  Please do not mail us anything until we ask.